Stand Out From Your Peers

Join My Executive
AI Training Program

About Charlie

Welcome to my Executive AI Training Program! I'm Charlie Ifrah, and I'm here to equip you with the essential knowledge and tools to transform how you engage with artificial intelligence in your executive role.

As the founder and former Chief Product Officer of INTURN, I played a pivotal role in revolutionizing B2B technology, collaborating with industry titans like Nike, Unilever, and Mars. After being acquired by a leading San Francisco-based AI company, I continue to deepen my AI expertise. As the creative force behind HAPPY APP, an AI-powered mental health coach, and the lead AI Strategist at Quasar, I'm dedicated to harnessing AI's potential in areas of personal and business life.

This program is crafted with a specific goal: to make you an informed and confident participant in any conversation about AI. In our sessions, we will explore real-world applications of AI in business, navigate the ethical landscape of this evolving technology, and uncover how AI can drive innovation and transformation in various industries. Whether you're in board meetings, strategy sessions, or industry conferences, you'll possess the clarity and insight not just to understand but also to contribute meaningfully to discussions and decisions about AI.

Teaching has always been my passion; I've consistently leveraged it to uplift and advance my teams' careers, a skill I'm excited to share with you. Join me in demystifying AI, and arm yourself with the knowledge to be a confident, informed leader in this vital aspect of modern technology. Let's start this journey together and ensure that when AI is on the agenda, you're not just keeping up — you're leading the conversation.

Choose Your Plan


Online 1-1
8-Hour Course
(2 Days - 4hrs per Day)

Introduction to AI
Overview of AI Development History and Critical Milestones
Understanding Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Neural Networks
Introduction to LLMs: GPT, LLAMA
Transformer Model
Parameters in Neural Networks
Training vs Inference
Leading Companies in AI
AI's Current Capabilities and Limitations

AI Concepts and Terminology
Embeddings and Vector Databases
AI and Data Science
Machine Learning Algorithms
Natural Language Processing
Generative Voice AI
Computer Vision AI

AI Applications - Present and Future
AI Applications in Leading Companies (Case Studies)
AI and Automation
Innovative AI Technologies
Emerging Trends in AI

AI Ethics
Understanding and Mitigating Biases in AI Systems
Exploring Ethical Considerations and Challenges in AI
Legal and Societal Impacts of AI

Hands-on With AI
Fundamentals of Prompt Engineering
Learn to use LLMs: ChatGPT, LLAMA, Gemini
Exploring ChatGPT Plugins
Creating Compelling Visuals with AI
Experiencing Multi-Media AI Applications
Build an AI Powered ChatBot without Programming


In-Person 1-1
8-Hour Course
(2 Days - 4hrs per Day)

My In-Person Executive AI Training offers the same comprehensive curriculum as my Online 1-1 program, delivered in a face-to-face format that enhances the learning experience through direct interaction.

Special Arrangements: In-person training requires special arrangements, including scheduling, travel, and other logistical considerations, to ensure a training experience that is as convenient as it is educational.

Interested in the In-Person Option? I will work closely with you to accommodate your schedule and any specific requirements you have, ensuring an optimal learning environment that maximizes the benefits of in-person instruction.

What People Are Saying

"Participating in Charlie Ifrah's Executive AI Training Program was a game-changer for my understanding of AI in the business world. Charlie's ability to distill complex concepts into understandable and actionable insights was exceptional. The hands-on workshops were particularly enlightening, providing me with practical tools I could immediately apply in my role. I highly recommend this program to any leader seeking to navigate the AI landscape confidently."

— Megan B, VP Marketing

“The Executive AI Training Program led by Charlie exceeded all my expectations. It was the perfect blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application. The interactive sessions were incredibly engaging and sparked creative ideas for utilizing AI in my organization. Charlie's expertise and approachable teaching style made the complex world of AI accessible and exciting.”

— David S, CEO

"Embarking on this AI learning journey with Charlie was enlightening and inspiring. The program was well-structured, covering everything from AI basics to its strategic implementation. What stood out was Charlie's ability to make each session interactive and thought-provoking. The insights gained have been invaluable in shaping my approach to AI in our business strategies. An absolute recommendation for executives looking to harness the power of AI."

— Isaac K, COO